by Church Times


Pagination: 113

Publisher: TBOT consult

Subject: Inspirational/Wisdom

Author: Rev(Dr) Ebun Ojo
Reviewer: Ladi Ayodeji


Christian inspirational literature helps us have a deeper insight into the teachings of the Bible. That’s what the book under review – Activating Your Inheritance In Christ has done.

Renowned Preacher, author and co-visioner of the Okota-Lagos based Covenant Family Bible Church, Rev(Dr) Mrs Ebun Kemi Ojo, has in this 113–page book, unraveled the mystery of the number seven in the numerology of the Bible. Seven is generally identified with God’s rest on the seventh day when creation was completed.

She explained the inheritance of all believers in Christ, using the metaphor of the number seven. “The mystery of the seven fold inheritance in Christ are hidden truth that must be opened for the spiritual eyes to behold,” according to the author.

The inheritances that Christ fully paid for on the cross of Calvary are in the deep; but they must be fully comprehended and appropriated for our maximum benefits. The author listed the seven inheritances as Power Riches, Wisdom, Strength, Honour, Glory and Blessings. Indeed, it was for these seven reasons the Lamb of God (Jesus) was slain–Revelation 5:12. It is on these seven distinct blessings, the author based her text.

In seven chapters, Dr. Ojo explained each heritage, supported by rich Bible references. First, she began in chapter one with Power. According to the author, Power is the divine energy released from above to obtain deliverance from the forces of darkness. This makes the devil to quiver when a Christian confronts him in warfare. This power was at work at the miracle of resurrection (Phillipians 3:10). There’re other forms of power available to the believer – power to get wealth, power to lay down (giving), power of consecration, etc.

The anchor scripture used in chapter 2 for the subtopic, Riches, is Psalm 112:1–3. Here, the author draws her assurances from the text which promises wealth and riches for tangible assets; and fruits of spirituality can be described as riches. However, it is clearly explained that God’s riches add no sorrow. That’s the basic difference from the wealth of the world. The reader would discover how godly riches can be acquired and the purpose for which such wealth is given.

In chapter 4, dealing with wisdom, the author gives a profound definition of divine wisdom: “God’s wisdom is gentle and offers solutions to all of man’s challenges.” Wisdom from the Biblical perspective involves the application of the word, reverential fear of God, etc. Wisdom, according to Dr. Ojo is the connecting rod to all the other inheritances in Christ.

To access the inheritance of strength, the author says we should never confess negatives. To be strong is God’s will for us. Being strong requires daily communion with the Holy Spirit; meditating on the word of God, but the activation of strength is a process of finding your Rhema or revealed word from God.

Honour is the fifth inheritance listed in this book as respect, esteem, glory and nobility in a person. The author posits that this could be received when you surrender to Jesus Christ because he already got this honour on the cross. In 1 Samuel 2:30, we see how honour is activated. We are also expected to give honour to God in our worship with our substance and our first fruits – Proverbs 3:9–10. This also includes honour to God’s servants. We honour our bed of matrimony, our spouses, friends, and leaders, spiritual and temporal. Honour brings promotion. In Esther 1:9-17, 2:16–18, we see this happen.

The splendor, total beauty of a thing and grandeur constitute the glory of that object. In dealings with this subtitle, the author quotes Roman 8:30, in which Paul the Apostle says all Christians are glorified in Christ. The richer dimension of glory is expressed in Christ, because of his victory on the cross, and this guarantees all Believers the blessings of the covenant. The five channels of blessings presented are Fruitfulness, Multiplications, Replenishments, Subjugation and Dominion.

For a woman who studied Food Science at the University of Ife, to be precise, her literary skill in expressing complex Biblical truths is impressive. Dr. Mrs Ojo writes with profound authority and mastery of her subject, which make reading this book such a delight. The production is superb, and the printing excellent. This work should be a best seller.

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