by Church Times

Archbishop Moses E. Ofomba is the founder of Pentecostal Victory Mission Nigeria. An indigene of Abia State he was trained in Assemblies of God Church before he veered off to start his ministry. He believes Biafra is God’s will and that it is a matter of time the age long agitation would be realised. He spoke with Church Times’ Collins Nkwocha

Tell us about your ministry?
I have been in the ministry for the past 57years. I am married with 5 children and right now I have 29 grandchildren. To my knowledge I am the only Archbishop that is still in service at the age of 87 in the entire Nigeria. I have decided to serve God with all sincerity without compromising my stand. That is the reason you cannot see so much flamboyance around me. I have rejected millions of naira just to preserve my relationship with God and integrity. Someone of my status is bound to receive a lot of offers to do certain things even from the government and politicians. But I have made up my mind to abide by honesty in my dealings. I have a ministry called: Clergy Elders Association of Nigeria. It is to cater for the needs of those who worked for God and are retired because of old age and the entry age for this is 65 years, I also have a group called Retired Gospel Ministers Association of Nigeria. I cater for the needs of ministers that are retired and are impoverished by one condition or the other. I try to mobilize the little resources at my disposal in order to cater for these people.

How did you encounter Christ?
I was born into the Anglican Church before I later joined Assemblies of God Church. I was sleeping one day a man came to me in my dream and told me that He is Jesus Christ that died for the sins of the world. He told me to work for Him, if I do, he will use me and make me great like the Elijah and Elisha of old. That day as I was going to work because I was working in kingsway company by then, a mad man saw me on the way and challenged me that I didn’t want to answer God’s call. He warned me that if I do not answer, I would die prematurely. After giving the warning he began to run after me.

As a man of God whom God has used to deliver several accurate and precise prophecies, do you think that Biafra will be a reality?
Thank you very much, I am not talking to impress or excite anyone, I am speaking as God has revealed and shown me, Biafra is the will of God and it will certainly happen. God has time for everything. It is the will of God, but we should not go about it by fighting as we did in 1967. We should go about it peacefully. God is only delaying it inorder to fully prepare those who will champion the course. I want Nigeria to stop the fight in the name of religion, it will certainly not do this nation any good. We are still one Nigeria, we should not kill ourselves for any reason, we should learn to love one another because the Bible condemns the killing of innocent people. Blood has been shed in this country all because of religion. I am appealing to all, let us stop the fight in the name of religion.

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